Case study

Raising Deep Instinct’s profile in the ultra-competitive cyber security space.

Deep Instinct is revolutionising cyber security. Using Artificial Intelligence to predict, detect, and prevent threats.

The challenge

We needed to accelerate Deep Instinct’s share of voice and strengthen brand awareness. Increasing engagement from target accounts and making them famous as the first company to offer a cybersecurity solution using Deep Learning.

The solution

We positioned those who use Deep Instinct as ‘The Learned Few’. Our activation plan included an awareness campaign around a key IT and security event in San Francisco. And this was reinforced with a demand creation campaign aimed at 4,000 key accounts. Press adverts were placed in premium channels (CIO, Wall Street Journal, FT, Dark Reading) and were supported with programmatic display, LinkedIn, out of home, email and search.

We needed a campaign that gave us stand out, impact and ROI…and that’s exactly what we’ve got. Just fantastic work.

Jonathan Kaftzan, VP of Marketing, Deep Instinct

Deep Instinct Case study image Deep Instinct Case study image

The results

The results

The results